Hello! I'm Julia and I'm new to blogspot. I'll be posting a couple hair tutorials this weekend and I'll hopefully get better at posting on a daily basis, but for now I thought I'd do one of those '25 questions about me' things, so here goes. :)
1. What is your middle name?
my middle name is Aynsley, after the beautiful china that my parents used when they lived in Berlin.
2. What or who is your fashion inspiration?
I remember watching Gidget and Grease and going to car shows all throughout my childhood, and I just fell in love with the 40s and 50s and 60s. One day I found a tutorial for victory rolls, and I bought my first ModCloth dress for my 8th grade graduation- and the rest is history. Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, and the 40s Coca-Cola ad girls are who I look to for fashion and hair ideas. I also think that Kate is completely perfect in every way, and I wish I had her wardrobe!
3. What's your favorite drink?
I drink way too much coffee and I love irish breakfast tea, and pink lemonade.
4. What's your favorite song at the moment?
oh man I can't choose just one! My top 7 right now are probably:
Heartbeat -Buddy Holly
Standing in the Doorway -Bob Dylan
Jimmy Jimmy -Stray Cats
Don't Break the Needle -J Roddy Walston & the Business
Tutti Frutti -Little Richard
Julia -The Beatles (obviously)
Sheena is a Punk Rocker -The Ramones
5. What would you name your children?
for a girl, I really like Tricia, Lily, Alice, Tilly, and Caroline. For a boy, Daniel or Johnny. (I like names that have songs about them)
6. Do you play any sports?
I don't know if you would really call it a sport, but I've Irish danced for the past 7 or so years and I love it
7. What's your favorite book?
The Help or Go Ask Alice
8. What's your favorite color?
tiffany blue and grapefruit
9. What's your favorite animal?
teacup pigs! When I'm rich, I'll get one and name it Chrysanthemum.
10. What's your favorite perfume?
I wear vanilla bean noel, but I love love love Chanel perfume.
11. What's your favorite holiday?
Christmas! There're so many sweaters to wear and I have dozens of amazing Christmas albums on vinyl.
12. What do you want to do with the rest of your life?
I really want to maybe go to fashion school in San Francisco, or to beauty school. I also want to get at least one book published, and have a couple kids.
13. Have you been out of the country?
I've been to Mexico and Dominican Republic, and this past summer I spent a month in Ireland and Paris. I would love to study abroad in either Paris or Dublin someday.
14. Do you speak any languages other than English?
I took 9 years of Spanish, but I'm still terrible. I'm studying French right now, which is glorious.
15. Do you have any siblings?
I have a 17 year old sister, Tessa, and a 10 year old sister, Maura.
16. Can you play any instruments?
I play piano pretty well, and I can stumble out a couple songs on guitar and ukulele. Right now I'm working on learning to play the sax, which I'm pretty stoked about.
17. What's one regret you have?
I'm a really mad at myself for never finding time to get into drama or theater. I love musicals, especially Grease, Les Mis, Hairspray, and Mamma Mia, and honestly, being in a musical would be the greatest experience I think.
18. Who's your favorite Beatle?
I love George! He was the cutest one (before he grew the beard) and I made a cute little heart brooch with his face on it- I wear it every chance I get.
19. What's your favorite movie?
my whole life revolves around movies, I can't pick just one! But I'll always love Pulp Fiction, Grease, Whip It, Sabrina (the original Audrey Hepburn one, not the remake), and Rocky Horror.
20. What are your favorite TV shows?
I don't watch a lot of TV, to be honest, but I love That 70s Show, Freaks and Geeks, I Love Lucy, Bewitched, and Gidget.
21. Are you religious?
I'm a Satanist. I went to Catholic school for 9 years and my whole family is really Catholic, but I just really don't identify with any of the beliefs. I don't do any rituals or sacrifices, and I don't worship Satan. I just really feel that the Satanic teachings make a lot of sense, and go along with my lifestyle.
22. Do you collect anything?
Typewriters! I use them whenever I can, and if there was a way to blog using a typewriter, I'd sign up in a heartbeat. My favorite is a 1954 tiffany blue Smith Corona- a birthday gift from my mom last year.
I also collect records and VHS tapes. Tapes are SO cheap now and most of my favorite movies came out before the DVD era, so it works out. My dad has a magnificent record collection that I have free reign to, and there are so many great record stores all over LA that I don't want to miss out on.
23. How tall are you?
5'2" and shrinking.
24. Do you have any pets?
I have two nameless cats who I love very much. Usually I just call them Boy Kitty and Girl Kitty, but sometimes they go by Bag and Baguette.
25. What's your favorite food?
grapefruits and tomato soup with grilled cheese
I think that wraps it up. Have a lovely day. :)
with love,
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